
Monday, February 10, 2014

What I Wore - Introducing: Just The Good Stuff

    Sweater: Kohls
    Tank Top: Target
    Glasses: Just The Good Stuff

Featuring Item: Glasses from Just The Good Stuff

I am such a fan of the selection of glasses from Just The Good Stuff! I love a pair of vintage eye glasses and how adorable are these two. They arrived in perfect condition and would be the perfect accessory to any outfit. I'm just lucky I actually need glasses. 

Meet Cherrie the owner of Just The Good Stuff

I am a wife and mother who loves to go to estate sales. Estate sales for me are not just filled with wonderful vintage items, I go to experience the former owner's legacy and how they lived their wonderful life. 

I feel I have a mission to 'rescue' some of the more interesting items and find new homes for them. For this reason I don't look at myself as a reseller but more as a curator.

Enjoy having a look around, and make sure to check back often, because I go to estate sales at least once a week. Say hi, visit my blog, and if you have time visit my Facebook page (post on my timeline!!).


To find out the history of the items I curate check out my blog:

Here are a few of my favorites from Just The Good Stuff

Make sure you check out Just The Good Stuff!

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