
Sunday, February 16, 2014

What I Wore - Introducing: Cat & Goat and {{Giveaway}}

I love the company Cat & Goat. Not only for the catchy name of the store but the products are so unique. The earrings seen above you may think they just resemble feathers but the material they are made from is amazing.

The earrings in Cat & Goat are made from recycle bicycle inner tubes! Not only do they look amazing but they are light, soft, and environmentally friendly. How the creator of Cat & Goat came up with this collection is truly genius. 

Meet Catherine the creator of Cat & Goat:

My name is Catherine Brown, and I love art, cats, and bicycles. I haven’t yet figured out how to combine the 3, but through my shop, Cat & Goat, I get to create beautiful pieces of wearable art with bicycle parts! Originally I started selling my bicycle tire earrings as a way to fundraising for a 6 week bicycle trip, but I have had so much fun designing and creating the earrings that I decided to continue making them. Customers love this jewelry because it is simple, environmental friendly (you can’t recycle bicycle inner tubes), and light. So try on a pair & I hope you enjoy wearing them as much as I love making them!

Here is a link on how to make the earrings if you want to try it out for yourself: DIY

Here are a few of my favorites from Cat & Goat
1, 2, 3, 4

Giveaway Time!
Make sure you enter to win this amazing pair of earrings!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!