
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Lavender Blackberry Scones

Lavender Blackberry Scones

Makes 10 to 12 scones


3 cups all-purpose flour

1/3 cup granulated sugar

1 tablespoon dried lavender

2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

3/4 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup cold unsalted butter, cut into small cubes

1 large egg, lightly beaten

3/4 cup cold buttermilk

1 cup fresh blackberries(you can used thawed and drained berries from the freezer although the scones will have a more purple color)


1 beaten egg and granulated sugar for sprinkling on top before baking

Place a rack in the upper third of the oven and preheat oven to 400 degrees F.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

In a mixing bowl, sift together flour, sugar, lavender, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.  Cut in butter (using your fingers or a pastry cutter) until mixture resembles a coarse meal.  Work the butter into the dry ingredients until some of the butter flakes are the size of peas and some are the size of oat flakes.    In another bowl, combine egg and buttermilk and beat lightly with a fork.  Add to flour mixture all at once, stirring enough to make a soft dough.  Fold in the blackberries.

Turn out onto a floured board and knead about 15 times.  Roll or pat out into a 1-inch thickness.  Cut into 2-inch rounds using a round cutter or cut into 2×2-inch squares.  Reshape and roll dough to create more scones with excess scraps.  Place on an ungreased baking sheet.  Brush lightly with beaten egg and sprinkle with granulated sugar.   Bake for 15-18 minutes or until golden brown on top.  Serve warm.  Scones are best the day they’re made, and though they can be frozen and lightly reheated in the oven if you need a future treat.

    Recipe and Photographs are from: Joy the Baker

A Hint of Lavender for a Upcoming Post!


  1. This recipe makes me think of the PNW! Blackberries grew wild all over the island I lived on off of Seattle when I interned over there a few years ago. We made all kinds of blackberry-based confections. Free fruit is seriously the best.

    Lavender is a nice touch, too. I'm sure Michelle would appreciate it. :)

    1. I'm glad you love the recipe! I used to work for a restaurant that made Lavender scones all the time; Lavender and Strawberry, Lavender and Blueberry, and Lavender and Blackberry.

      The blackberry lavender were my favorite!

    2. Gah! I initially thought this was a post from the Pittsburgh Kitchen, a friend's blog. So you obviously wouldn't know Michelle, who is obsessed with incorporating lavender into her recipes. (I might be on Bloglovin too much at work.)

      Good recipe, regardless. :)

    3. haha that's OK Katie! I'll have to check out the Pittsburgh Kitchen!

  2. Yum!!!! I definitely want to make these!

  3. This looks so yummy <3 Wonderful photos :)

    x Maria
    Have a look at my newest Outfitpost
    featuring my new green coat
    Let me know what you think about it :)

    1. Isn't lavender amazing, make sure you enter the Lavender giveaway.
